Sunday, August 29, 2010

If life is a journey, why not have a full-time travel blog?

I've kept up this site while traveling the last two summers, and when I tell people about it, I always seem to get the same question of if I'll continue blogging when I'm done traveling.

I've always slightly had a thing against blogging about one's life, sure it's interesting, often insightful, and resourceful even, but just didn't seem like something I was interested in.

Then I got a life.

What with the whirlwind of returning from India, the craziness that was RA training, having some free time for the first time in I can't remember how long, exploring my role as an RA, settling into some really interesting class, the woes and joys of starting the job hunt, and a massive expansion of my social group both in size and diversity.........I've got a lot to talk about.

I still haven't decided precisely what the purpose of blogging is for me. As best I can gander, I like having a platform to sort out my thoughts and the accountability that comes with knowing people might be reading it. Forces me to think things through more. As for how I'll decide what to share and why....I'm leaving that up to what I feel the urge to share.

So check up occasionally, and please! Comment! I always like feedback and discussion :)

Sole Searching

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